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A Framework for the Post-Industrial World: Japanese approach to AI and Society

Author: Almira Baglar, Günes Sargüney

Source: Global Perspectives on Japan (GPJ), No.5 (2022), pp.83-104
Publisher: Forum Tauri Press
Keywords: ageing population, artificial intelligence, robotics, labour shortages


As one of the first countries to publish a comprehensive national AI strategy, Japan has not only pioneered many of the technological advancements, but also contributed tremendously to the popular understanding of the means to create a post-industrial society. In addition to the official documents that frame the upcoming AI revolution in the eyes of the citizens, Japan has been working towards creating a legislative system that covers the issues arising due to the emerging technologies, especially robotics and AI. The purpose of this study is to analyse different aspects of Japan’s national AI strategy, and understand why the country prioritises tackling socio-economic issues such as well-ageing and labour shortages by diving deeper into the published documents that constitute the basics of the current and future laws and legislature. Furthermore, the study offers an outlook about the insights to be gained from the Japanese experience, while the country creates a full-fledged legal framework that works with and for our changing social dynamics in the AI-powered future.